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All the uploaded files, once confirmed, will be checked by our technical team to verify their printability.
The file check includes:
- dieline match
- dimensions check
- material check
- bleed
- image and raster effects resolution
- ink limit (300%)
- color method
Remember: RGB and spot colors will be automatically converted in CMYK except for Packly’s spot colors. That colors must never be used into the printing file because they represent the manufacturing information of the product. Graphic elements realized using Packly’s spot colors might not be printed or might be processed as indicated by the manufacturing colors.
After checking the file we will send you an email regarding the validation status. In case your artwork is not printable you can upload the adjusted file in My Packly area at the respective item. Valid files will be automatically printed and could no longer be edited.
Packly does not check contents, spelling and graphics layout of the uploaded files.
The shipping date will be calculated starting from the validation.
For any questions contact us.